
Everyday, in Palestine and all over the world, indigenous families are faced with cultural, social, political, and economic attacks on their human rights. This can change.

You can help heal our homeland by investing in the women and children of Palestine.

Why We Heal

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Palestine is a feminist issue

In Gaza

In Gaza, the world’s largest open-air prison, there is no “post” to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, because the violence is systemic and ongoing.


The 15 year siege on the Gaza Strip is the collective punishment of a population of over 2 million, half of which are children.


Palestinians are taking agency over their narrative to resist oppression and injustice.


Palestinians suffer everyday due to Israel’s system of Medical Apartheid.


Women in Palestine face multiple layers of violence and discrimination due to Apartheid Israel’s systemically oppressive and discriminatory practices.


Palestinian Journalist are targeted and killed by Occupation forces.


Palestinian women continue to resist with resilence, love and unwavering faith in justice.


The 75 year illegal occupation has created a circumstance where all of the West Bank and 80% of Gaza is dependent on foreign aid.


Palestinians, including children, are detained, mostly without charges and always without due process, by Occupation forces on a daily basis.


95% of the population in Gaza does not have access to clean water.


Roughly 80% of the population of Gaza relies on international aid to survive and access basic services.


Nearly 90% of the children in Gaza have experienced personal trauma.


More than half of the women in Gaza have experienced gender-based violence.


As the occupation raises the levels of dehumanization and oppression, suicides and suicide attempts are on the rise in Palestine.

Heal With Us

Our Mission Is Clear

Healing our homeland begins with our intention to heal ourselves. We are healing our minds, bodies, and souls until and after liberation. We are empowering women and children by providing a safe space for awareness, community, and compassionate support.

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower a global community of intentional healing that begins in Palestine and continues as we celebrate liberation. This community will hold a collective intention to resist injustice and oppression.
Our vision is inspired by the Holy Quran and the thematic messages of justice, responsibility and ethical consciousness.

What We Do

Everyday women and children are faced with cultural, social, political, and economic attacks on their human rights. This can change.

You can help heal our homeland by investing in the women and children of Gaza.